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博客文章分类: 电子/仪表 仪器/仪表 | 深圳市北吉兴电子仪器有限公司 发表于 2021年2月2日 |
放心来吧,我们的回收是专业的回收,我们的回收是几十年老品牌的回收,示波器的回收内容即全又丰富,回收DSOX3024T是是德品牌下的200M带宽示波器,各种带宽,各种规格的示波器我们都有收。 微电同号:13728750969 业务Q:2511466577 深圳市北吉兴回收部:程心意 龙华区民治街道东浩大厦KEYSIGHT DSO-X3024T 示波器DSO-X3024T:200MHz带宽带宽,4个模拟通道高达 4 Mpts 的存储器可以捕获更多的数据8.5 英寸电容触摸屏幕支持您轻松查看和分析信号独有的区域触摸触发技术支持您在几秒钟内轻松隔离信号高达 1,000,000 波形/秒的更新速率可以让您查看更详细的信号细节可升级特性支持您扩展测量功能:随时添加带宽、数字通道、20 MHz 任意波形发生器、3 位电压表、串行触发和分析与模板测试强有力的手,办着强有力的回收,回收DSO-X3024T有心的收购,专心的办理,回收KEYSIGHT DSO-X3024TDSOX3EMBD:Embedded Serial Triggering and AnalySIS (I2C, SPI) for 3000 X- Series OscilloscoPES, fixed pERPetual licenseDSOX3FLEX:Flexray serial triggering and analysis for 3000X series oscilloscopes, fixed perPETual licenseDSOX3MASK:Mask Limit Testing for 3000X Series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual licenseDSOX3PWR:Power analysis APPlication for 3000X series oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual licenseDSOX3AERO:MIL-STD 1553 and ARINC 429 serial triggering and analysis for 3000 X-series oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual licenseDSOX3VID:Enhanced Video/TV Application Package for the 3000X Series Oscilloscope, fixed perpetual licenseDSOX3WAVEGEN:WaveGen 20 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorDSOX3AUDIO:Audio serial triggering and analysis (I2S) for 3000X series oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual licenseDSOX3COMP:Computer Serial Triggering and Analysis (RS232/422/485/UART) for 3000 X -Series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license愿我们的回收成就与你合作美好的回忆。ABSolute;top:0;border:0;width:undefinedpx;height:undefinedpx;" frameborder="0" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" data-google-container-id="0.tje03p339uov" data-load-complete="true"> |
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