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10073C示波器探头出售 安捷伦10073C无源探头

博客文章分类: 电子/仪表 综合 深圳市北吉兴电子仪器有限公司 发表于 2021年6月11日

10073C 安捷伦10073C无源探头 


深圳市北吉兴 Q-2511466577


安捷伦10073C 500MHz示波器探头

Agilent10073C 规格:500MHZ

系统上升时间(计算):<700 ps


输入电阻:2.2ΩΩ(终止于1兆欧)   The Agilent 10073C passive probe is our most rugged 500 MHz probe. With a 10:1 attenuation ratio and high 2.2 M ohm input impedance, it is ideal as a general purpose, high bandwidth passive probe for the Agilent 300 MHz - 1 GHz 6000 series, 7000, 8000 and 9000 Series oscilloscoPES. The probe identification feature automatically configures the oscilloscope for the probe attenuation.  The following accessories are included: retractable hook tip; orange, white, blue and green identification tags; ground bayonet, IC probing tip, adjustment tool and an alligator clip ground lead.  Bandwidth: 500 MHz System risetime (calculated): <700 ps Attenuation Ratio: 10:1 Input reSIStance: 2.2 MΩ(when terminated into 1 MOhm) Input capacitance: ~12 pF Maximum input (dc + peak ac): 500 V CAT I (mains isolated) 300 V CAT II (post receptacle mains) Compensation range: 6 - 15 pF安捷伦10073C|500MHz示波器探头10073CLED">ABSolute;top:0;border:0;width:undefinedpx;height:undefinedpx;" frameborder="0" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" data-google-container-id="1.q7dmptni9j1l" data-load-complete="true">

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