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移动通信直流电源66309D出租出售 66309D回收

博客文章分类: 电子/仪表 仪器/仪表 深圳市力博尔电子科技有限公司 发表于 2022年5月7日

 出售安捷伦66309D 回收66309D

程生-13728750969 业务QQ-2511466577


深圳市龙华区观澜街道银星科技大厦安捷伦66309D 特  性:Ideal for wireless/portable product test Built in digital voltmeter Dynamic pulse measurement Fast transient response Precision low current measurement Low-ouTPUt noise High-speed programming SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) GPIB interface Open sense detect Visualize and characterize current and voltage waveforms (requires 14565A Device Characterization Software) For complete details, click on the Product Overview link 安捷伦66309D 程控电源 12V-1.5A15V-3A  编程电源 惠普66309D The 66311B offers a new Agilent-developed feature that enables cellular-telephone manufacturers to detect permanently and intermittently open-sense wire connections automatically. Detection of open-sense wire connections allows users to prevent incorrect battery-charger calibration, incorrect test results and low-voltage phone shutdown due to a large transient voltage drop. LED">ABSolute;top:0;border:0;width:undefinedpx;height:undefinedpx" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" src="" data-google-container-id="1.qhnw7ec4f9cv" data-load-complete="true">

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