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博客文章分类: 工业用品 工业设备 | 深圳仪信电子科技有限公司 发表于 2024年9月26日 |
R&S ZVA50 50G矢量网络分析仪ZVA50罗德与施瓦茨 Rohde&Schwarz ZVA50 50G矢量网络分析仪|罗德与施瓦茨 10MHz至50GHz
With its new R&S ZVA family of vector network analyzers, Rohde & Schwarz is taking a future-oriented APProach. The analyzers offer a perfect balance between measurement speed, dynamic range, flexibility and precision, making them ideal for present and future measurement tasks. jiang
Rohde & Schwarz previously set stan dards in RF and microwave measurements with its R&S ZVR family of network analyzers, and now continues this success with the R&S ZVA. The fundamental mixing concept employed by the receivers ensures high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range. Extremely fast synthesizers make for short measurement times. Its excellent characteristics, new functionality, sophisticated GUI and extremely high flexibility make the R&S ZVA an indispensable tool for demanding measurement tasks in lABS and production.
Features: * Frequency resolution 1Hz * 20 001 points per trace; * Dynamic range: >110 dB, typ. 110 dB * Power sweep range: 50dB; * Measurement time: <4.5ms for 201 points (freq. sweep); * Switching between channels: <1ms; * Switching between setUPS: <10ms;* Test port connector Type N(f) 50ohm;* Connectivity includes:* Remote control via GPIB and LAN;* Digital I/O port;* USB connectors;Instrument Type Vector, Scalar, S-PARameter Low end frequency limit 10.00 MHz High end frequency limit 50.00 GHz OuTPUt Power Range –30 dBm to +13 dBm (50 MHz to 20 GHz) Input Noise Level <–80 dBm at 100 MHz to 500 MHz, <–95 dBm at 40 GHz to 50 GHz 谭S 135-1007-5188(微信同号)技术咨询:蒋工135-1007-5288(微信同号)电话:0755-21502766 传 真:0755-21502722客 服QQ:53540923 |
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