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博客文章分类: 商业服务 翻译 | 海南名门出国留学服务中心有限公司 发表于 2014年11月27日 |
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举例 投诉信 :1.陈述问题2。阐明你的看法3。提出办法。4。等候答复。 Dear SIR, Through this letter I would like to bringto your notice the inconvenience(不方便) that I am facing due to disorders of the telephone instalLED(安装) in my home. The telephone was installed in March andsince then I am facing regular problems. It goes out of order almost every dayor wrong numbers get connected. During the last six months I have made manycomplaints(投诉) to yourcompany both in writing and on telephone. Mechanics form your company attendedto (关注) theproblem twice but the problem perSISts. 下载地址六级听力mp3下载大学英语三级词汇表英语写信范文 |
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