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博客文章分类: 商业服务 翻译 | 海南名门出国留学服务中心有限公司 发表于 2014年12月1日 |
托福口语黄金80题什么是宾语从句英语单词词根 注意:本文资料下载方法和下载地址见文章底部!!!
1)托福口语黄金80题 资料简介 这是托福口语黄金80题WORD完整下载版。
2)什么是宾语从句 资料简介 这是什么是宾语从句WORD完整下载版。
3)英语单词词根 资料简介 这是英语单词词根WORD完整下载版。
举例 75.是否同意学生进入大学前有一个one-year的break In my opinion, every student should do aPARt-time job or APPly for a summer intern before graduate. During the intern,we can learn a lot of things much more practical than what we learn in school.For example, a student of finance will put in many effort in math whilestudying in school, but during the intern he/she will find the math formulascould do little help. Besides, we can check if we are really fit for the job wedreamed. Take me for instance, I dreamed to be a salesgirl in the sUPErmarketwhen I was still a child. But when I really worker as a salesgirl as my summerintern I found the work was tedious and tired.
下载地址 托福口语黄金80题 什么是宾语从句 英语单词词根
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