电子线UL758认证,灯具UL认证,电线电缆UL认证,QMMY2 UL746D注塑件认证,UL969 PGDQ2标签认证,连接器UL认证,灯饰CCC认证,线路板组装VZQC2认证,UL969 PGAA标签认证,UL588圣诞产品认证,软线UL62认证代理,PCBA线路板组装ZPVI2认证,电容UL认证,开关UL认证,网络线UL444认证,锂电池、镍锰电池UL认证,水晶头UL1863认证,导电泡棉UL认证,光伏电缆UL认证,UL817插头认证,ECBT2 UL1997连接器认证,热缩套管UL认证,功率线UL13认证,UL507直流交流风扇认证,UL最新RSCS环保认证,阻燃套管UL认证,火灾报警线UL1424认证,UL2089车载充电器认证,UL1059端子台认证,塑胶电镀处理UL认证,光纤UL1651认证,UL355卷线器认证,UL486接线端子认证,UL486接线端子认证 塑胶料QMFZ2认证,UL764线束认证,UL310快接端子认证,UL1446绝缘系统认证,开关VDE认证,各国电线电缆认证,各国插头认证1.1 These requirements cover a program applicable to parts that have been molded or fabricated from polymeric material and describe the material-identity control system intended to provide traceability of the material used for the polymeric parts through the handling, molding or fabrication, and shipping operations. Guidelines are also provided for acceptable blending or simple compounding operations that may affect risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury to persons. 1.2 This program is intended to provide quick verification of material identification by means of an identification marking on the part, or on the carton in which the part is shipped, or in a specification sheet placed within the shipping carton with the part. This program is intended to eliminate the uncertainty of the polymeric material identity in the end-use product and to reduce the possibility of field problems caused by the use of incorrect compounds.
1.3 The polymeric-material identity program covered by this standard is intended to provide traceability for molded finished parts (that is, enclosures, internal equipment parts, and the like) that are to be factory-installed components of other equipment where the acceptability of the combination is to be determined. 1.4 This program is not intended for manufacturing operations that add colorants or other additives to plastic materials using hot-compounding techniques that subject the material to an additional heat history and ship pellets as finished parts. This program is not intended to provide traceability for polymeric materials that are intended for field installation. 1.5 Requirements and methods for the evaluation of metallized or painted parts are contained in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, and the requirements for Polymeric Materials – Short Term Property Evaluations, UL 746A. Reference should be made to the applicable individual product standard for performance requirements covering the part or assembly. UL认证成为注塑(成型)行业全球最为权威的产品认证 据统计,在中国UL产品的生产厂家有近7万家,而其生产出来的UL产品数以亿计,而这些产品用到的注塑部件更是数以百亿计。以至于,在全国近三万家的注塑件生产厂家中,已有1100多家获得了UL认证。 UL认证会让这么多成型厂商狂热呢?因为UL认证是全球唯一一家涉及注塑件行业认证的机构,UL关注的产品安全重点是防火,而塑胶部分正是防火的重点所在,因而注塑件的UL认证理所当然地成为整个UL认证系统的核心所在。 注塑件(成型厂)UL认证,其引用的是UL746D标准,其认证的是生产工艺过程,即对整个注塑生产过程进行认证,也就是说,注塑件厂商在通过UL认证之后,他所生产出来的注塑件是达到UL防火要求的,并可以用在UL产品上。 在当前残酷的金融危机下,订单少了,客户的要求就多了,各种各样的严格要求就为随之而来,为了争夺有限的欧美市场空间,您就得早一些时日练好注塑件UL认证这把利剑。 详询sunny陶 13913142465 QQ1822971259 |